正版包邮 外国地方政府支出责任与地方税收:实践与启示:expenditure re 李建军等 书店经济 西南财经大学出版社 书籍 读乐尔畅销书
正版包邮 外国地方政府支出责任与地方税收:实践与启示:expenditure responsibilities and t 李建军等 书店经济 书籍 畅想畅销书
预订 Cash Book: Cash Recording Book, the easiest way to manage Income and Expenditure.: 9781689518949
预订 Cash Book: Cash Recording Book, the easiest way to manage Income and Expenditure.: 9781689517850
预订 Cash Book: Cash Recording Book, the easiest way to manage Income and Expenditure.: 9781689521925
预订 Cash Book: Cash recording book, the easiest way to manage Income and Expenditure.: 9781689469265
预订 Cash Book: Cash Recording Book, the easiest way to manage Income and Expenditure.: 9781689477277
预订 Cash Book: Cash Recording Book, the easiest way to manage Income and Expenditure.: 9781689472449
预订 Research Facility Management How Reduces Expenditure: 9798887177854
预订Occasional Paper No 47; Aging and Social Expenditure in the Major Industrial Countries, 1980-2025
海外直订Externalities and Public Expenditure Theory 外部性与公共支出理论
海外直订Investing for Success: Rethinking HVAC Plant Room Expenditure And Demand ROI 投资成功:重新思考暖通空调机房
【4周达】Public Expenditure, Management and Control : The Development of the Public Expenditure Surve... [9781349037407]
【4周达】Occasional Paper No 47; Aging and Social Expenditure in the Major Industrial Countries, 1980... [9780939934683]
【预售】Public Expenditure Reform Under Adjust
【4周达】Investing for Success: Rethinking HVAC Plant Room Expenditure And Demand ROI [9789355549310]
海外直订医药图书Health Expenditure, Income and Health Status Among Indigenous and Other Australi 土著人和其他澳大利
【4周达】Externalities and Public Expenditure Theory [9780865972421]
【4周达】Bouncing Back: A How-to Manual for Joy with Minimal Energy Expenditure [9781736734223]
【预售】Public Expenditure Policies in Southeast Europe
【4周达】Health Expenditure, Income and Health Status Among Indigenous and Other Australians [9781920942151]
海外直订Efficiency of Social Sector Expenditure in India 印度社会部门支出的效率
预售 按需印刷 The impact of integrated budget and expenditure system software implementation on costumer and end u
海外直订Public Expenditure Policies in Southeast Europe 东南欧的公共支出政策
海外直订An Economic Analysis Of Expenditure Trends Of Government Of India 印度政府支出趋势的经济学分析
预订 Efficiency of Social Sector Expenditure in India: 9781138056121
预售 按需印刷 Income-expenditure model and the multiplier - The IS-LM Model
海外直订The Diary And General Expenditure Book of William Cunningham of Craigends 克雷根兹的威廉·坎宁安的日记和一般
【4周达】Bigger Government: The Future of Government Expenditure in Advanced Economies [9782970140139]
海外直订A Guiding Framework for Nutrition Public Expenditure Reviews A Guiding Framework for Nutrit
【预售】Zambia Health Sector Public Expenditure Review:
【4周达】A Theory of the Expenditure Budgetary Process [9780802033413]
【4周达】Public Expenditure and Income Distribution in Malaysia [9781032298863]
【4周达】Efficiency of Social Sector Expenditure in India [9781138056121]
【预售】Republic of Iraq Public Expenditure Review
【预售 按需印刷】OECD Research and Development Expenditure in Industry 2017
【预售 按需印刷】OECD Research and Development Expenditure in Industry 2018
【4周达】Zambia Health Sector Public Expenditure Review: Accounting for Resources to Improve Effectiv... [9780821378045]
【4周达】Externalities and Public Expenditure Theory [9780865972414]
海外直订Income-expenditure model and the multiplier - The IS-LM Model: And: Money and cr 收入-支出模型和乘数
【4周达】An Economic Analysis Of Expenditure Trends Of Government Of India [9781805451334]
【预售 按需印刷】OECD Research and Development Expenditure in Industry 2019
【4周达】Tax Expenditure Estimation Tool Kit [9789292705510]
【预售】Public Expenditure Management Handbook
【预售】Public Expenditure and Indian Development Policy
【预售 按需印刷】Public expenditure and economic growth in Benin
海外直订Public Expenditure Decisions in the Urban Commun... 城市社区的公共支出决策
海外直订Republic of Iraq Public Expenditure Review: Toward More Efficient Spending for B 伊拉克共和国公共支出审查:
【4周达】Bigger Government: The Future of Government Expenditure in Advanced Economies [9782970140122]
【4周达】A Guiding Framework for Nutrition Public Expenditure Reviews [9781464818530]
【4周达】Military Expenditure Data in Africa: A Survey of Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria a... [9780199245024]
【4周达】Public Expenditure and Indian Development Policy 1960-70: - Public Expenditure and Indian De... [9780521050029]
【预售】Reconciliation of National Income and Expenditure:
海外直订Public Expenditure Management Handbook 公共开支管理手册
【预售 按需印刷】The Impact of Foreign Aid on Government Expenditure in Ethiopia
【4周达】Beyond the Annual Budget: Global Experience with Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks [9780821396254]
海外直订Taxation, Revenue, Expenditure, Power, Statistics, and Debt of the Whole British 税收,收入,支出,权力,统
【预售】Public Expenditure Analysis
预订 Does research pay?: An analysis of R&D expenditure and economic performance in small and medium ... [9783954894505]
海外直订Energy and Household Expenditure Patterns 能源和家庭支出模式
【4周达】Public Expenditure Governance in Uganda : Inputs, Processes and Outcomes [9781909112810]
海外直订Reconciliation of National Income and Expenditure: Balanced Estimates of Nationa 国民收入与支出的调和:英国
预订 Econometric Analysis of Expenditure on Research and Development [9783330085466]
海外直订The impact of integrated budget and expenditure system software implementation o 综合预算支出系统软件实施对
【预售按需印刷】Assessement of the effect of government expenditure on privat investment in Ethiopia
【4周达】Public Expenditure Decisions in the Urban Community [9781138120303]
【4周达】Reconciliation of National Income and Expenditure: Balanced Estimates of National Income for... [9780521120074]
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【预售 按需印刷】Research and Development Expenditure in Industry 2009
海外直订Public Expenditure and Indian Development Policy 1960-70 1960-70年公共支出和印度发展政策
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【4周达】Public Expenditure Management Handbook [9780821342978]
海外直订Efficiency of Social Sector Expenditure in India 印度社会部门支出效率
预订 Government Expenditure and Private Investment: Evidence from Pakistan [9783659745713]
【4周达】Anthropometry, Body Composition and Resting Energy Expenditure in Human [9783039214617]
【4周达】Managing Public Expenditure in Australia [9781864487138]
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【4周达】Health Seeking Behavior and Out-of-Pocket Expenditure on Chronic Non-communicable Diseases i... [9783631717394]
【预售】Energy and Household Expenditure Patterns
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预订 Government Budgeting and Expenditure Management: Principles and International Practice *预算与支出管理:原理与国际
海外直订Public Expenditure 公共支出
预订 Income and Expenditure Behavior of Seed Producing Farmer [9783659186325]
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【预售】Efficiency of Social Sector Expenditure in India
【4周达】Efficiency of Social Sector Expenditure in India [9780415736268]
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【4周达】Economic Investigations in Twentieth-Century Detective Fiction: Expenditure, Labor, Value [9780367881009]
预订 The Impact of Foreign Aid on Government Expenditure in Ethiopia [9783659587221]
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【预售】Public Expenditure
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